Kick-off for a Green Space Policy

Space travel now an independent topic in the new basic program of the Greens. 

Space travel is currently undergoing rapid change. States are pushing forward its militarization. Private sector players such as SpaceX and Blue Origin want to conquer it economically. And it is already crowded in orbit, with more and more satellites and space debris accumulating and circling the earth.

For many, “space policy” sounds like a distant future. But politicians urgently need to prepare for these developments and set the appropriate legislative course. Now the Greens are taking the lead – last weekend we laid the foundation for a new Green space policy. 

In the party’s new basic program, which was adopted at the Digital Party Congress 2020, for the first time the subject of aerospace is discussed separately as a political issue. Together with more than 40 other Greens, I had campaigned for this. 

The new basic program now states:

“Through space travel, humanity is gaining knowledge about the fundamental questions of the universe and our planet, more understanding of global problems, and technological innovations. Europe should therefore strengthen the future space sector, promote international scientific cooperation, maintain its independent access to space and maintain the astronaut programme. Space may only be explored and used peacefully and for the common good of mankind. This requires a new international legal framework, which must also regulate private actors more clearly.”

The fact that we are now engaged in this important future issue is a success for the party. I will do my best to ensure that we continue to further develop the new guidelines and fill them with life. 

At the European level, I will work to ensure that we establish a space strategy that responds to current scientific, economic and political challenges in space. In the long term, I am also concerned with updating the international rules and regulations for space travel — to secure long-term peace and expand international cooperation. 

Space offers great opportunities for research, economy and international cooperation. I am convinced that it offers us the opportunity to move closer together as humanity as a whole. Policy-makers must now create the framework for this to succeed. 

US-Visit: transatlantic dialogue on space policy!

The political challenges in space are huge. We must set the course today for the space of tomorrow. For more peace, security and justice on Earth. Now, I was in the US to help fostering international dialogue for better regulation. A revolution is happening in space.  Satellites are getting smaller and smaller, rocket launches cheaper…

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Isar Aerospace: Visit to Bavarian Space Start-Up

I am committed to building a European space economy. Recently, I have visited the German start-up Isar Aerospace near Munich. Their launcher Spectrum is on the way to its first test flight. Satellite technology has become an integral part of our society. It is not only about communication and navigation, but also about industry, research…

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