Promoting Regional Funding – How to maximize the use for our rural regions?

How can we tap the full potential of the variety of our Investment and Structural Funds and simultaneously trigger more citizens participation and locally driven funding?

The “pioneer” in this respect is the LEADER-approach within the EAFRD, the second pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy. It allows funding which is decided from local action groups. In order to further strengthen the favoured bottom-up approach also in regional and structural funding, the so-called Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) turns top down development on it´s head. Here again, local actions groups can decide about funding in their own region. This allows support for people and communities where it is really needed. CLLD was already possible in the funding period 2014-2020 under the Common Provisions Regulation, which includes the funding from ERDF and ESF and makes 1/3 of the whole EU budget. Now, we managed to increase the financial contribution for projects implemented via CLLD: Locally decided projects will receive 10% more EU-funding!

Since CLLD is still only voluntary and therefore differently used by the Member States, it is not even advertised and promoted in any fashion.

At this round-table we would like to debate how CLLD can be implemented in more funding mechanisms and regions, thereby also giving the regions an additional 10% co-funding advantage.

What potential does CLLD have and how can it be promoted even more, in order to increase acceptance?

I will discuss this question with

  • Peter Toth, ENRD contact point
  • Radim Sršeň, First Chair of the CoR NAT Commission
  • Iwona Lisztwan, Policy Coordinator LEADER at DG AGRI
  • Eleftherios Stavropoulos, CLLD funding expert at DG REGIO
  • Alina Cunk Perklič, CLLD/LEADER and Smart Villages expert in the Ministry of Agriculture of Slovenia
  • Marion Eckardt, Director of ELARD
  • Olaf Pommeranz, Regional Manager, LEADER & FIWIG

The webinar will take place on 2nd June at 2pm.

Register directly HERE.

Background Information: EU Corona Response Investment Initiatives (CRII & CRII+)

An article in the German newspaper Der Spiegel which heavily criticizes the EU for allocating a disproportionate amount of money to Hungary under the EU’s Corona response investment initiatives has created a public debate in Germany. With this paper I would like to briefly illuminate the background to you and correct the figures and information…

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The socio-economy of Renewables

Due to new laws and falling costs, renewables are being expanded all over Europe. A study commissioned by the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament now examines the socio-economic effects of wind power & co in different regions. The result: the effects are generally positive. But only if they are accompanied by adequate policy measures. One…

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Regional Development

Making Europe fairer and more ecological – and thus strengthening cohesion!
