European Space Strategy

European space travel is usually overshadowed by major players such as the USA, Russia and increasingly China. But it has a long tradition and is absolutely top class in many areas. I am committed to pooling space technology expertise at European level and to setting a new course. By providing first-class and free supply of data and investment programs, I want to promote the emergence of a European mid tier in the space sector.


Europe in Space

Space is also being used more and more intensively as an economic resource. The public focus is primarily on the upstream market, i.e. rocket development, for example. However, the downstream market, i.e. business areas that create added value by using data and research results, offers particular potential for start-ups and SMEs.

The European space sector is a leader in many important areas, such as earth observation. European satellites help us to combat climate change, find effective measures in disaster situations or prove war crimes. Programs such as Copernicus, EGNOS and Galileo provide a quality of data that is unique worldwide.

But we must do more to ensure that this data can be used. We must ensure that data collected in space is freely and easily accessible. We need to expand cooperation in science, especially in the field of education and training. And we need funding opportunities for young companies. The so-called downstream market, the evaluation and economic use of space data, offers first-class potential for start-ups and SMEs. Here, programs must be set up to ensure that a European space industry can develop.


Legislative process of the EU space program

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