Update on the Cultural Creators Friendship Group (CCFG)

I would like to give you a brief update on the “Cultural Creators Friendship Group” (CCFG), a group of currently 20 MEPs from 6 political groups dedicated to support the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS).

Today was an eventful day – the CCFG released an Open Letter demanding effective implementation of article 18 of the Copyright Directive, and after many internal meetings, we finally adopted our CCFG Working Plan which describes and specifies the main areas of work as defined in our CCFG Manifesto.

But this is just the beginning. Having had its first informal meeting back in January, by now the CCFG has established itself, and therefore we’re ready to reach out to CCS organisations/stakeholders. For November the CCFG will schedule a first online meeting to which we will also invite external guests. If you work for a CCS organisation, you are also welcome to join the CCFG as a Supporting Member.

For further information and for more regular updates, I invite you to have a look at our website www.CulturalCreators.eu and to follow the #CCFG on Twitter @CultCreatorsEU.

Roundtable on Music Streaming

Streaming services have completely transformed the way we listen to music – and pay for it. For artists, the work and income structures have thus significantly changed in recent years. Yet it is my no means certain that many clicks lead to a decent income. Aside from few superstars, there are 99 percent of whom…

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Culture & Media
