Rights and Social Security

The cultural and creative sector is characterized by great social inequality and insecurity. A few stars and media houses with exorbitant profits are contrasted by countless artists* who can hardly make a living from their work. Many of them are not only poorly paid, but also miserably insured in case of illness or unemployment. The formation of monopolies among streaming providers could further aggravate these developments in the coming years. I am committed to providing better legal and social security for cultural workers – especially amateur and independent artists.

Better protect cultural workers - during and after the pandemic!

The corona pandemic has further aggravated the already often precarious situation of many cultural workers in Europe. In order to contain the virus, public life must remain restricted. Theaters remain closed, festivals are cancelled. Concerts and performances are cancelled. People whose livelihood depends on ticket sales have to fear for their existence.

During the lockdown, more people than ever before streamed in Europe – but often only little of the enormous profits made on the Internet reaches the artists. The formation of monopolies among streaming providers could exacerbate this imbalance in the coming years.

I am committed to strengthening the rights and social security of cultural workers – especially of amateur and independent artists. In September 2020, I helped to initiate a parliamentary resolution. We demand that at least two percent of the European Corona aid should flow into the cultural and creative sector. In the long term, I advocate the establishment of a European social security fund for artists based on the German model.

Artists bring people together and make a fundamental contribution to our society. It is time that these people get the recognition and remuneration they deserve. Whoever wants to defend the freedom of art and cultural diversity in Europe must also ensure that the social existence of cultural workers is secured!

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