Culture & Media

Europe lives from a free and diverse cultural landscape. But it is coming under increasing pressure in Europe – politically and economically. I am committed to defending the freedom and diversity of art and media in Europe by strengthening the legal position of cultural workers and improving their social security.

German Coalition Contract: What’s in it for Culture?

Better social security for artists, strong and divers cultural and creative sectors, an international programme to support freedom of expression, and a Green minister for culture – the new German government’s cultural policy will bear the Greens’ signature. Yesterday, the new German government of Social Democrats (SPD), The Greens and the Liberal Party (FDP) presented…

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Analysis on Music Streaming

What is the role and impact of music streaming services on the whole business and on songwriters and artists in particular? I have requested the European Parliament’s Research Service (EPRS) to compile an overview on this topic. It covers aspects such as the change of music consumption over time, revenue distribution chains, the impact of…

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On Friday, 4 December 2020, from 09:00 to 11:00 CET, the first public event of the Cultural Creators Friendship Group (CCFG) gets live and online. The Members of the CCFG will present themselves, explain what the CCFG is and does, and discuss the current situation of cultural creators in the EU. We are especially delighted to…

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Roundtable on Music Streaming

Streaming services have completely transformed the way we listen to music – and pay for it. For artists, the work and income structures have thus significantly changed in recent years. Yet it is my no means certain that many clicks lead to a decent income. Aside from few superstars, there are 99 percent of whom…

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