Starlink Satellit. Foto: Andy Holmes.
Space policy, that sounds like distant future. But space travel is currently undergoing rapid change. And we must prepare for this upheaval. We have to prepare ourselves for new private sector players to conquer space. We must prepare ourselves for the fact that powerful states such as the USA or China have set in motion a new militarization of space by founding space forces. In view of this Space Race 2.0, I advocate for a new international set of rules and a new European space strategy.
Dear friends, The world is going down the drain. We are witnessing climate change-related disasters in so many places around the world. At the same time, we see conflicts and wars on the rise. And we are facing right-wing populism and antisemitism right on our doorstep. If I wanted to accept this, we could end…
Great joy, great excitement! I can finally present it to you: “Nikki will zum Mars” (Nikki wants to go to Mars). With my children’s book, I want to introduce both children and adults to the world of space.
Every call made, every financial transaction completed, every webpage loaded relies on satellites in the Earth’s orbit. Satellites serve as the backbone of global communication. As well as offering GPS guidance for transport and travel, they grant us unparalleled views of our planet, providing essential data for accurate weather forecasts, disaster management, and monitoring climate…
In her State of the Union address, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen declared the EU Space Law to be one of the most important priorities for the upcoming year 2024.
The space year 2022 marks a milestone in space history. Just before Christmas, it’s time to take a look back. Almost exactly one year ago, we experienced a very special launch in Kourou: after nearly 30 years of development, the James Webb telescope flew into the sky on an Ariane 5. Six months later, the first images…
We have reached an agreement for the European Union’s new satellite constellation. The project, previously known as the „Secure Connectivity Programme“, is now called IRIS² (Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnection and Security by Satellites). In November, the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council met for the so-called trilogue negotiations. We agreed on the final version…
In June, I visited Sierra Space. The company, based in Denver, Colorado, is best known for its Dreamchaser. A space glider that looks a little like a small shuttle and is supposed to take people into space soon. However, the focus of my visit was on a different topic. The company – a spin-off of…
The debate on the planned European megaconstellation (“Secure Connectivity“) is gaining momentum. In June, the responsible rapporteur of the European Parliament, Christophe Grudler (Renew), presented his position in the Industry Committee. As shadow rapporteur for The Greens/EFA, I was now able to submit my amendments. I am mainly concerned with three points. First, I want…
The political challenges in space are huge. We must set the course today for the space of tomorrow. For more peace, security and justice on Earth. Now, I was in the US to help fostering international dialogue for better regulation. A revolution is happening in space. Satellites are getting smaller and smaller, rocket launches cheaper…
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) shows how space technology is driving us forward as a society. In March, I visited the DLR site in Oberpfaffenhofen, Bavaria. A total of 13 scientific facilities and institutes are located on the site near Munich. Around 1,800 employees work there on some of the most exciting German space projects….
I am committed to building a European space economy. Recently, I have visited the German start-up Isar Aerospace near Munich. Their launcher Spectrum is on the way to its first test flight. Satellite technology has become an integral part of our society. It is not only about communication and navigation, but also about industry, research…
The EU Commission presented its plans for a new European mega-constellation. The “Secure Connectivity System” is planned as a multi-orbital constellation. It is intended to simultaneously enable quantum-encrypted communications for government agencies and deliver satellite-based Internet to structurally weak regions. The latter not only in Europe, but also on the African continent. We have to make…
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The Space Race 2.0 has begun. We have to update the international space law accordingly. And we need a uniform European space strategy.
International space law is not prepared for some important developments in recent years. To prevent conflicts, we urgently need an update!
European space travel has a long tradition and is absolutely top class in many areas. Today we have to set the course for its future.
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